Today I remembered I had this blog. I spent most of my day reflecting on the path I have taken. I started listening to the Jealous Curator. Which has been rather interesting, all of those Art School memories, feelings and choices are brought back to the surface. I'm constantly questioning what I am doing and where I want to be. I am contemplating bringing another sewing machine into our home, this one isn't for making bags, but quilts. I have fallen hard for quilts, now I feel a struggle in my creative/work life. The biggest struggle I find in life is having to spend 8 hours a day working a job that I feel financially obligated to. Bags have never been an income for me, I don't really have the drive to make it a business for me. I've though about it, but I've constantly struggled with the aspects or organizing a financially lucrative business. I'm a maker not a manager. Anyway that's enough reflection for now. Here is the beautiful quilt I made inspired be Maureen Cracknell's wanderlust quilt. I believe the geese pattern is called Happy Geese. This is just a small snippet of the actual quilt.