I've been wanting to design a wallet for a while now. Took a few tries, then I got it right. They're kinda fun to make, well when I had lots of different colors of leather... my stock is running low now.
A week and a bit to go, and I sold way more bags then I thought I was going to at the Handmade Holiday Sale. This weekend I am gonna be busy, making up for the sold items. All the great feedback I got from the sale is a great motivator, for my last minute production.
One of my first customers has ordered her second purse from me. This time I had to shop for some nice red leather. I feel like I have finally refined this design, now with a super adjustable strap. Think I may need to make myself one of these.
I guess this would be the Albertan coming out in me. I have always been a fan of vintage western, so this is my version of it. I have been saving this belt for a while now, not knowing what I would do with it. My mother gave me all this fringe she found at a thrift store. On my recent trip back to Vancouver my upholstery friend generously gave me a pile of leather, this off white leather was part of that. I'm so in love with this bag, I think I am going to keep it.
This has got to be my favorite of all my new designs. I had been saving up these skinny belts, and now I have found the perfect use for them. This bag is made with the softest of upholstery leathers, and is featured at Gentille Alouette, in Vancouver.
Is big really better?? This is one of my new designs, LARGE and round. My kinda beach bag. This is one of the bags that are at Gentille Alouette, a new store in Vancouver.
I found this great material at V.V. a few weeks ago, I wasn't sure what I was going to do with it when I found it, but I instantly liked it, it is the same material (but green) as my 1950's couch. Green and brown is one of my favorite color combos. I guess calling this bag Earth would make sense. The leather was salvaged from a upholstery shop.
I guess this is what I would call Snootsie Sport...(mini) I'm not sure if I would ever make it as large as a real gym bag. I'm also not so sure if I would ever use gold again, this was a custom order I designed for my step mother.
So finally I am happy with one of the new designs, although this will need some refining. This one has a detachable long strap making it very versatile. Made with all vintage material inside and out. The greatest thing I have discovered about Winnipeg is that the fabric stores have an enormous amount of vintage material, and I love vintage.
So I have decided it's time to come up with some new designs. I was telling a friend yesterday about what's going on, and the term "summer collection" was mentioned, but in that case, I would have to be working on my fall collection right now. I don't like to think of what I make as needing to be classified as a collection. The bags I make come to me as my ideas and supplies come to me. These purses are made with material that was from a retro skirt, and my left over blue leather matched perfectly. The clutch is an old design that I am still uncertain about how much I like. The mini purse is now one of my favorites. I always thought the bigger bag was better, but I think this tiny purse is so much more practical. I guess I need a picture so the size is comparable.
This seems to be my most popular design. I think nearly every one of my girlfriends have this bag, in various colors. Perhaps it is time for me to come up with a new top design.
Time for me to make myself a new bag. I have been obsessing over the idea of having a bright blue bag, then I found this Ocean blue. Then I realized I wear a lot of blue so maybe a blue bag wasn't the greatest idea.